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About Me
What I do: -
I'm a College Student, I'm on my last course & then after the course is over I'll will be going to do a 6 - 8 weeks work Experience.

Pets: - I have a neighbours cat which comes in & sleeps on the chair in the living room or on my bed, plus plays with anything like pens, shoes, newspapers & some times I think Penny thinks shes a dog because she sits like one waiting 4 her food or milk. I also have frogs sept don't have 2 look after them as I do with Penny plus Penny watches them & tried to catch one by putting her paw in the pond some times during the day & sometimes @ 3 or 4 in the morning.

Music: - it has to be RICKY MARTIN I just a dore his music & talent & personality on stage & how he writes his songs I guess you can say I'm a big fan of his over here in Manchester, UK, plus I like Madonna I grew up listening to Madonna ever since I was born & also I like Christina Arguilera
she has brought out realy good songs.

hates/dislikes/likes: -
Food: - I love Pizza, pancakes & Curries. yuk I don't like stew & dumplings.

1 have a back stage ticket to see RICKY MARTIN, get his autograph & give him a kiss or a snog which ever one he prefers

2 meet everyone out of Hercules & Xena & get their autograph

3 learn how to sing & learn a little bit more Spanish so I can go back to where I did work experience in Spain & able to talk to them a little bit more than I did when I was working in Spain for my work experience & not only that I will able to give some photos to a gardener who I worked with & got on with which I can't now because I don't know the address to it & I made a promise to him.

School was not that pretty I got ciriously bullied by my class & Year but I did learn a thing or 2 in matical arts by my sister teaching me, I can't do it now because my legs was not that good as they were back then, my mother & doctor claimes I have thrambois in my legs which can cause blood clots.

I used to smoke when I was 13 years old & disided to quit by a click of a finger.

I had so may fights because the hole of my year & ones above me got my temper started geared up & plus I beatened every boy in my class & year plus I just smack one & he started to near enough crying because he had held of my bag & pulled the strap on it until it snaped & that is why I smacked him one & I don't regret what I did because they including the girls pushed me in the swimming pool & nearly drawnded, the girls let all boys in my year in the girls changing room. the P.E. teacher didn't give me much time to get ready for P.E. & let the man
P.E. Teacher & all the boys in my year in the girls changing room.

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My Africa Travels